Pike Jumps: Advanced Plyometric Exercise for Explosive Power and Core Strength

Pike Jumps: Advanced Plyometric Exercise for Explosive Power and Core Strength

By Dr. Marcus Chen, Ph.D.

February 10, 2025 at 01:33 AM

An explosive plyometric exercise, pike jumps combine vertical jumping with a mid-air pike position to develop power, strength, and coordination.

Person performing pike jump exercise

Person performing pike jump exercise

Benefits of Pike Jumps:

  • Builds lower body strength and explosive power
  • Develops core stability and hip flexor strength
  • Improves cardiovascular fitness
  • Burns calories effectively
  • Enhances athletic performance


  • Strong lower body foundation
  • Core stability
  • Basic jumping mechanics
  • No knee, hip, or back issues

Proper Form and Technique:

  1. Start with feet hip-width apart, arms parallel to floor
  2. Slightly bend hips and knees to load leg muscles
  3. Drive through feet explosively to jump upward
  4. Hinge at hips and lift legs toward chest mid-air
  5. Bring arms down to touch toes at peak of jump
  6. Position body in forward fold, legs parallel to ground
  7. Untuck body before landing
  8. Land softly, absorbing impact through bent knees and hips
  9. Pause briefly between repetitions

Training Tips:

  • Begin with 2-3 sets of 3-5 repetitions
  • Focus on form before increasing volume
  • Keep arms and legs straight during pike position
  • Maintain controlled, soft landings
  • Progress gradually as strength improves

Improving Performance:

  • Work on hip, hamstring, and ankle mobility
  • Strengthen core and hip flexors
  • Practice related exercises like box jumps and depth jumps
  • Incorporate compound lifts (squats, deadlifts)
  • Focus on explosive movement patterns

Safety Considerations:

  • Warm up thoroughly before attempting
  • Master basic plyometric exercises first
  • Maintain proper landing mechanics
  • Consult a healthcare provider if you have existing injuries
  • Consider working with a qualified trainer initially

Note: Progress at your own pace and listen to your body. Start with basics and advance gradually as your technique and strength improve.

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