Pike Jumps: Advanced Plyometric Exercise for Explosive Power and Core Strength
An explosive plyometric exercise, pike jumps combine vertical jumping with a mid-air pike position to develop power, strength, and coordination.

Person performing pike jump exercise
Benefits of Pike Jumps:
- Builds lower body strength and explosive power
- Develops core stability and hip flexor strength
- Improves cardiovascular fitness
- Burns calories effectively
- Enhances athletic performance
- Strong lower body foundation
- Core stability
- Basic jumping mechanics
- No knee, hip, or back issues
Proper Form and Technique:
- Start with feet hip-width apart, arms parallel to floor
- Slightly bend hips and knees to load leg muscles
- Drive through feet explosively to jump upward
- Hinge at hips and lift legs toward chest mid-air
- Bring arms down to touch toes at peak of jump
- Position body in forward fold, legs parallel to ground
- Untuck body before landing
- Land softly, absorbing impact through bent knees and hips
- Pause briefly between repetitions
Training Tips:
- Begin with 2-3 sets of 3-5 repetitions
- Focus on form before increasing volume
- Keep arms and legs straight during pike position
- Maintain controlled, soft landings
- Progress gradually as strength improves
Improving Performance:
- Work on hip, hamstring, and ankle mobility
- Strengthen core and hip flexors
- Practice related exercises like box jumps and depth jumps
- Incorporate compound lifts (squats, deadlifts)
- Focus on explosive movement patterns
Safety Considerations:
- Warm up thoroughly before attempting
- Master basic plyometric exercises first
- Maintain proper landing mechanics
- Consult a healthcare provider if you have existing injuries
- Consider working with a qualified trainer initially
Note: Progress at your own pace and listen to your body. Start with basics and advance gradually as your technique and strength improve.
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