44 Essential Bodyweight Exercises: Complete Guide to No-Equipment Workouts Anywhere
Here are the 44 best bodyweight exercises organized by muscle group, with clear instructions and demonstrations for each movement.
Lower Body Exercises (11):
- Assisted Bodyweight Squat
- Bodyweight Squat
- Assisted Pistol Squat
- Pistol Squat
- Supported Lunges
- Regular Lunges
- Single-Leg Deadlift
- Hip Bridge
- Calf Raise
- Step Up
- Box Jump
Upper Body Push Exercises (8):
- Knee Push-up
- Elevated Push-up
- Regular Push-up
- Decline Push-up
- Side-to-Side Push-up
- Assisted Dip
- Dip
- Handstand Wall Walk
Upper Body Pull Exercises (8):
- Inverted Row (High)
- Inverted Row (Low)
- Bar Hang
- Assisted Pull-ups (Band)
- Assisted Pull-ups (Box)
- Negative Pull-ups
- Pull-ups
- Chin-ups
Core Exercises (12):
- Reverse Crunch
- Knee Plank
- Regular Plank
- Side Plank
- Hip Bridge Hold
- Hanging Knee Tuck
- Jumping Knee Tuck
- Hollow Body Hold
- Hollow Body Rocking
- Knees to Elbows
- Toes to Bar
- Good Morning
Full Body Dynamic Exercises (5):
- Walking Jacks
- Jumping Jacks
- Star Jacks
- Burpees
- Burpees with Pull-up
To create an effective bodyweight workout:
- Choose 1 exercise from each category
- Perform 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps each
- Start with a dynamic warm-up
- End with post-workout stretching
- Progress to harder variations as you get stronger
Sample Workout Structure:
- Dynamic Warm-up
- Main Workout (3 circuits)
- 10 Jumping Jacks
- 10 Bodyweight Squats
- 10 Push-ups
- 10 Pull-ups
- 10 Reverse Crunches
- Post-workout stretch
[All image demonstrations and GIFs maintained as in original article]
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