10-Minute Ab Workout: Complete Core-Sculpting Guide with 9 Exercises
This effective 10-minute ab workout targets every angle of your core muscles, perfect for both home and gym workouts. Perform each exercise for 60 seconds with minimal rest between movements.
- Ab Crunch
- Lie on back, heels on floor, hands on thighs
- Roll shoulders off floor, sliding hands toward knees
- Keep tongue on roof of mouth to reduce neck strain
- Focus on contracting upper abs, not neck muscles

Neil Paterson, PureGym trainer


- Scissors
- Lie on back with feet slightly raised
- Slowly separate legs as wide as comfortable
- Return legs together with controlled movement
- Place hands/towel under lower back if needed


Man performing scissors leg exercise
- Oblique Crunch
- Lie sideways in fetal position
- One arm extended, other hand at temple
- Keep elbow pointed up
- Draw curved line toward hip, contract obliques
- Repeat on opposite side


- Back Extension
- Lie face down, hands at temples
- Inhale and arch body off ground
- Contract lower back muscles
- Exhale while returning to start


Back extension exercise end position
- Double Crunch
- Hands beside chest, heels off ground
- Simultaneously bring knees to chest and shoulders off floor
- Touch hands to thighs
- Control return to starting position

Man doing double crunch exercise

Man doing double crunch exercise
- Lazy Biker
- Lie on back, heels on ground
- Roll shoulders up with twist
- Bring opposite knee to elbow
- Alternate sides
- Optional: 30 seconds lazy biker, 30 seconds bicycles


- Heel Touches
- Lie on back, heels on ground
- Alternately touch right hand to right heel, left hand to left heel
- Maintain back contact with floor

Man starting heel touches exercise

- Prone Plank
- Position in straight-arm plank
- Create straight body line
- Engage glutes and pull navel to spine
- Maintain controlled breathing

- Angel Clap
- Lie back, heels raised
- Arms out in T-position
- Sit up, clap hands under legs
- Return to start position

Man in angel clap yoga position

Man performing angel clap exercise
Bonus Tip: Ab Vacuum
- Brace core and pull in tight
- Maintain breathing
- Hold 10 seconds, repeat 10 times daily
- Increases posture and core strength


Man performing ab vacuum exercise
Remember: Combine this workout with proper nutrition for optimal results. Treat abs like any other muscle group, incorporating both weighted and bodyweight exercises for best development.

Onye egwuregbi na-agba ọsọ

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